- Created by: GraceYoung
- Created on: 21-08-18 17:51
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- enzymes
- lock and key hypothesis
- Enzymes are folded into complex 3D shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them.
- The place where the molecules fit is called the
- In the lock and key hypothesis, the shape of the active site matches the shape of its substrate molecules. This makes enzymes highly specific.
- Each type of enzyme can usually catalyse only one type of reaction
- enzymes are biological catalysts that control reactions in the body
- enzymes are specific to its substrate and the activity of enzymes are effected by temp, substrate conc and pH
- denaturing enzymes
- If enzymes are exposed to extremes of pH or high temperatures the shape of their active site may change.
- If this happens then the substrate will no longer fit into the enzymes.
- lock and key hypothesis
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