Epistemology; Definition of knowledge
- Created by: RizzLordOdysseus
- Created on: 07-05-23 15:44
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- Definitions of knowledge
- Tripartite
- knowledge = JTB
- Gettier cases
- 1. Smith & Jones
- 2. Brown in Barcelona
- 3. Fake barn
- Gettier cases
- knowledge = JTB
- Infaliblism
- Knowledge = ITB
- 1. Fail
- His belief is not infallible
- 2. Fail
- His belief is not infallible
- 3. Fail
- No Hypothetical alternatives
- Reliablism
- Knowledge = RTB
- No relevant alternatives
- 1. Fail
- Testimony is not a reliable process
- 2. Fail
- neither testimony nor empirical validation are reliable
- False Lemmas
- Knowledge = JTB + N
- An incorrect belief based on an incorrect assumption
- 1. Fail
- His belief is based on the false assumption that the testimony was true
- 2. Fail
- His belief is based on the false assumption that the testimony was true
- 3. Pass
- Barney does not make any false assumptions
- Underlying false Lemmas
- There is an underlying false assumption that there a no fake barns
- Underlying false Lemmas
- Barney does not make any false assumptions
- Virtue epistemology
- Knowledge = VTB
- 1. Fail
- 2.Fail
- 3. pass
- Sosa and animal knowledge
- Knowledge based purely on perception w/o reason
- Sosa and animal knowledge
- Knowledge = AAA
- Adroit
- Accurate
- Apt
- Knowledge = VTB
- Tripartite
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