- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 03-05-15 13:14
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- Equality
- UN Declaration of human rights
- Article 1: All Humans are born free and equal.
- Article 2: everyone is entitled to human rights, without any kind of discrimination of any kind.
- Social Justice
- Equal rights and opportunities for ALL
- Social Injustice
- Economic Inequality
- Unfair gap between rich and poor
- Disabled Inequality
- Disabled people face discrimination when jobs and sport is involved
- Gender Inequality
- Women not always treated equally to men
- Ageism
- Older peoples view aren't taken seriously
- Racial Inequality
- Unfair treatment because of skin colour
- Religious Inequality
- unfair treatment of people because of religion
- Economic Inequality
- Biblical Quotes
- Old Testament
- Genesis: People are created in Gods Image
- Prophets spoke out against Social injustice (Amos, Jeremiah, Isiah)
- Amos: those who trample on the needy and destroy the poor, God has sworn "Never to forgive their evil deeds"
- Isaih: Remove chains of oppression, share food and your home to the poor
- New Testament
- Jesus challenged the Pharisees
- Jesus told a rich man to give all he had to the poor
- Mark: Love your neighbor as yourself
- James: Pure religion is this, look after orphans and widows in their distress
- Old Testament
- Jesus
- "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me"
- "It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"
- Christian helpings
- Visit Nursing homes
- food banks and SOS bus
- Giving to charity: Christian Aid, Trocaire, Tearfund
- Campaigns and Peaceful protests
- Liberation Theology
- Movement began in South America 1960
- The most important thing about Christianity is working with the poor
- UN Declaration of human rights
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