Essay Plan
- Created by: Saramari01
- Created on: 30-01-22 09:18
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- Essay Planning
- Introduction
- Lenin - being universal to every Soviet by not being tied to the proletariat or bourgeoisie.
- Khrushchev - Soviet people were highly encouraged to have freedom of artistic expression due to the introduction of thraws which allowed many artists to publish their art that was previously banned by Stalin
- Stalin art was solely focused on government priorities and empowering Stalin’s cult of personality therefore not giving many freedom for the Soviet people to express themselves.
- Many art exhibitions during the 1980s under Brezhnev were forced to close down by the secret police due to dissident artists and also many trials were carried out to eliminate dissent artists as well.
- Paragraph One
- Stalin
- Socialism Realism, 1932 - revolutionary + reflected upon government priorities
- Art = strictly controlled by the govt and the secret police - ensured it was a true reflection of reality + aim was to build socialism
- Art = any other good, targets were set and were required to be met
- Point of view from artist = no artist liberation nor indiviaul creativty
- art had to be politically acceptable
- Point of view from artist = no artist liberation nor indiviaul creativty
- Examples - enhanced the opion of many hsitorians that belived the govt didn't aloow artistists to be expressive with their art
- Socialism Realism, 1932 - revolutionary + reflected upon government priorities
- Brezhevn
- Dissent - people who publicly critised and disobyed goverment regulatuons
- Dissent artists - disobyed the goverment by creating art that was disapproving and provocative to Brezhnev
- Dealt dissent artists with the KGB - interfence higlithed how the secret police had an influence on the destruction of artisitc expression ont he Soviet peopel
- Khruchev
- Thaws - periods of relaxation of artist and cultural restrictions
- 'Not Bread Alone' by Vladimir Dudintseu - critised during Stalin's era
- Enabled artists to express their negative opions on politcal issues with literary comtracts to Stalin - forbidden any apects of opposition of the Soviet goverment
- The thaw by Ilya Ehernburg - critised varu=ious aepects of Stalinsim and mass terror
- Lenin
- Revolutionary Cinema - allowed artist to experiment and develop new ways to express creativity though cinema
- unlike Stalin and Brezhnev the Soviet people were harshly controlled to not experiment and embrace creativity
- Untitled
- Revolutionary Cinema - allowed artist to experiment and develop new ways to express creativity though cinema
- Stalin
- Paragraph Three
- Stalin
- Vodhz - god like leader
- Sculture mimicated the same - Sergey Merkurov - Socilaist Realist sculptor, created statues of Lenin + Stalin, created the largest sculptures of Stalin
- egolistic towards art - artists couldn't espouse their indiviudal creatity to build new and modern scultures (tradition + efficfive)
- Untitled
- Lenin + Khruschev
- Both used their personlity cults to demostrate that they're a strong leaders for their people and coutry - Increasing emphasis on the ordinary people.
- increases their creative potential to create new and interesting propaganda styles such as avant garde (collaboration)
- Both used their personlity cults to demostrate that they're a strong leaders for their people and coutry - Increasing emphasis on the ordinary people.
- Stalin
- Paragraph Three
- Untitled
- Introduction
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