- Created by: 10cmurphy
- Created on: 07-04-17 14:15
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- Establishment of Sovnarkom and closing of Constituent Assembly
- Immediate challenges facing Lenin
- Continuing war with Germany
- Peasants continued to seize land
- Economy in chaos
- Bolsheviks has substantial support within cities-limited in countryside
- Strikes by civil servants who refused to co-operate
- State Bank refused to aid Bolsheviks
- Lenin passed several different decrees:
- Decree on Land-Redistribute to all peasant
- Peace Decree-Bolsheviks seeking end to WW1
- Decree that established new government organisation
- Establishment of Sovnarkom
- Council of People's Commissars (people in control of political education)
- Lenin acted as chairman and overall leader
- All Russia Congress of Soviets under Sovnarkom
- Bolsheviks dominated
- Purpose of Sovnarkom
- Designed to allow Bolsheviks to extend their power and control
- Lenin and leading Bolsheviks would decide who was included
- Closing of the Constituent Assembly
- Lenin didn't feel secure in late October
- Votes showed Bolsheviks only had 1/4 of vote
- Socialist Revolutionaries had the majority due to large peasant vote
- Bolsheviks had military support as well as the N and W military fronts
- Opposition was divided so wasn't effective
- Assembly only met once
- Lenin used Red Guard to shut down Assembly as people rejected that it should be under the Sovnarkom
- Immediate challenges facing Lenin
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