Estella Quotes
- Created by: amberjedxo
- Created on: 21-05-17 13:52
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- Estella
- 'I have no softness'
- Estella makes it clear to Pip yet he still chooses to love/obsess over her
- 'to deceive and entrap you'
- Estella makes it clear to Pip yet he still chooses to love/obsess over her
- 'seemed very proud'
- All these quotes give an insight into Estellas personality
- 'laughed contemptuously'
- 'i laugh because they fail'
- All these quotes give an insight into Estellas personality
- 'laughed contemptuously'
- 'i am what you have made me'
- Follows Haviishams wishes yet is still criticised by her
- 'i devoutly believed her to be human perfection'
- Pip idolises Estella throughout
- Not a healthy relationship
- Pip idolises Estella throughout
- 'the beautiful creature she had reared'
- Dehumanistation of Estella contrasts how she is usually treated by others
- Could possibly be because of her lower class roots??
- Dehumanistation of Estella contrasts how she is usually treated by others
- 'i laugh because they fail'
- Estella is a product of her sorroundings
- Cold to others because she was never shown real affection
- 'I have no softness'
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