Ethical and cultural issues
- Created by: Tomiwaq
- Created on: 10-04-19 11:58
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- Ethical and cultural issues
- Uses of technology
- Ethical issues are about what would be considered right and wrong by society
- Legal issues are what's actually wrong and right in the eyes of the law
- Cultural issues are how groups of people may be affected
- Environmental issues are about how we impact the natural world
- Stakeholders
- Stakeholders are people who have an interest in or affected by a particular scenario
- They can include a company's owners, employees, the shop, customers, suppliers and the community
- Each group of stakeholders has different priorities
- Private information
- Many websites require users to provide personal info
- Cloud computing websites allow users to upload personal files to their servers
- Companies can give your personal info to other users on the internet as long as it follows their privacy agreement
- Users will have to accept the privacy agreement before they can access a website
- This is bad because many people do not read the privacy agreement
- Users can make themselves more private by changing their privacy settings
- Users have to trust companies to keep their data secure
- Censorship and surveillance
- Internet censorship is when someone tries to control what other people can access
- Many countries use censorship
- For example in China they censor major social media sites
- For example in the UK they censor sites that are bad for children
- Computer surveillance is when someone monitors what other people are accessing
- Many countries use some form of surveillance
- Government intelligent agencies use packet sniffers and other software to monitor traffic
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs) keep records of all websites visited by users
- Censorship and surveillance are arguable topics
- Some people disagree but some support them
- Uses of technology
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