Ethics of sport
- Created by: Fennstorey
- Created on: 12-11-18 08:41
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- 19th century
- Code of ethics
- Middle classes
- Playing to moral values
- Fair play
- Sportsmanshi-p
- Clearly set rules
- Put into NGBs formed by middle/upper classes
- Playing sport for the love of it
- Middle classes
- Upper class/social elite
- Code of ethics
- Modern day Britain
- Amateurism still evident
- Fair play/sportsma-nship
- Fair play awards
- Shaking hands
- Rugby union
- Maintained amateurism till late 20th century
- Fair play/sportsma-nship
- Amateurism still evident
- 19th century
- Written by Baron de Coubertin
- First taken at 1920 summer Olympics, Antwerp
- Promise made by one athlete as a rep. of each of the participating competitors, one judge as a rep. of Olympic officials who commit to impartiality at the opening ceremony of each Olympics, and one coach
- Lots of evidence of doping and positive drug tests in modern Olympics
- Leaves relevance of Olympic Oath in question
- Conforming to the rules and etiquette of a sport
- E.g. kicking ball out of play for injury
- Playing by written rules, code of ethics, fairness, self control
- Under attack as winning is emphasized
- Simulation goes against sportsmanship
- Ways to encourage
- NGB campaigns
- Fair play awards
- Use of technology
- Performers can be cited after matches for bad behvaiour
- Punish foul play/unsportin-g behavior
- Use positive role models
- Rigorous drug testing
- Bending the rules and stretching them to their absolute limits without getting caught; using whatever dubious methods possible to achieve the desired results
- Fine line between gamesmanship and cheating
- Examples
- Delaying play at restart
- Time wasting
- Verbally distracting opponents
- Taking unnecessary time-outs
- Deliberate deception of official
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