Ethnic Differences in Achievement (External Factors)
- Created by: azarif
- Created on: 02-05-18 20:01
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- Ethnic Differences in Achievement (External Factors)
- Cultural Deprivation
- Cultural deprivation= inadequate socialisation into the knowledge & culture of the m/c education system
- Evidence
- Criticisms
- Ethnic pupils underachieve because schools are ethnocentric (focus only on white British culture as superior) & devalues ethnic cultures. Result: lowers self-esteem of ethnic pupils
- Victim-blaming i.e. ethnic pupils aren't culturally deprived but culturally different
- Black pupils don't underachieve due to lack of self-esteem & weaker culture. Instead, ethnic underachievement is caused by racism.
- Material deprivation- low income, inadequate housing & poor diet is the main cause of ethnic underachievement
- Compensatory education
- 2 Alternative policies to solve cultural deprivation
- Multi-cultural education- recognises & values ethnic minority cultures via inclusion in the curriculum
- Untitled
- 2 Alternative policies to solve cultural deprivation
- Material Deprivation
- Material deprivation=
- Evidence
- Racism in wider society
- Cultural Deprivation
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