Ethnic Differences in achievement (External Factors)
- Created by: charl_w
- Created on: 16-03-15 10:37
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- Ethnic Differences in achievement (External Factors)
- Cultural Deprivation
- Intellectual and linguistic skills
- Children who don't speak English at home are held back educationally.
- Attitudes, values and family structure.
- Fatalism and immediate gratification. Subculture which some black kids are socialised into is fatalistic. Focussed on immediate gratification, resulting in lack of motivation to succeed.
- Lack of male role model. at home for many African Caribbean boys may encourage them to turn to anti educational 'gang culture'.
- New Right Murray thinks (1984) argues that high rate of lone parent/lack of positive role model leads to under achievement.
- Culture of poverty. Moynihan (1965) argues that absence of male role model in black families produces inadequately socialised kids who fail at school.
- They then become inadequate parents themselves and perpetrate a culture of poverty.
- Impact of slavery. As a result may have low self esteem and under achieve.
- Asian Families.
- Khan (1979) argues Asian families are an obstacle to achievement, especially for girls as it takes a controlling attitude towards them so do less well than Asian boys.
- White w/c pupils.
- Also under-achieve. Lower aspirations than other ethnic groups. Result of w/c culture, including lack of parental support.
- Compensatory education.
- Is an education policy that aims to counter the effects of cultural deprivation.
- Operation head start. Established in USA to compensate children for the culture deficit because they come from deprived backgrounds.
- Sure start in the UK aim to support the development of pre-school children in deprived areas.
- Intellectual and linguistic skills
- Ethnic differences in achievement
- Black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi pupils do the worst; Indians do the best.
- White pupils are very close to the national average, but this is because they form the majority of the school population.
- Among white and black w/c pupils, girls do better than boys, but among Asians, boys do better than girls.
- W/C black girls do better than w/c white girls.
- Material Deprivation and Class
- Means lack of physical/economic resources essential for normal life in society.
- Material deprivations of ethnic differences in achievement argue educational failure is result of material factors such as substandard housing/low income.
- Pakistani's and Bangladeshi's are more likely to be poor than whiles.
- For many minorities, unemployment is higher, pay is lower and overcrowding in the house is more likely.
- The lowest achieving minority ethnic groups (Bangladeshi's) are more likely to be w/c)
- Racism in Wider Society
- Racial discrimination in jobs and housing.
- Social exclusion
- Unemployment, low pay, inadequate housing.
- Affects children's education
- Unemployment, low pay, inadequate housing.
- Social exclusion
- Racial discrimination in jobs and housing.
- Cultural Deprivation
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