Ethnicity and Beliefs
- Created by: HLOldham
- Created on: 28-03-16 18:34
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- Ethnicity and Beliefs
- 2001 Census
- The first census to ask about religious beliefs
- Only 11% of white people described themselves as belonging to the Church of England
- 2011 Census
- Majority of white people Christian (75%)
- Black/Black British - 71% Chrstian
- 92% of Muslims - Pakistani, 92% Bangledeshi
- Clear link between ethnicity and religion
- Majority of white people Christian (75%)
- Ethnic Diversity
- Muslims more ethnically diverse
- 9/10 Christians and non-religion people were white
- Country of Birth
- No religion - 93% born inside UK
- Christians - 89% born inside UK
- Muslims - 37% born inside UK
- Over 50% of all church-goers in London are Black
- However, Black people make up less than 20% of London's population
- Active Membership
- 42% Muslims
- 33% Budhist
- 32% Jewish
- 29% Hindu
- 14% Christian
- 2001 Census
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