Ethnicity and Beliefs - Scholars
- Created by: HLOldham
- Created on: 28-03-16 21:05
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- Ethnicity and Beliefs
- John Bird - Explanations for Higher Religiosity
- Identifies 5 reasons ethnic minority groups are more religious
- 1. Many members of ethnic minority groups originate in societies that have high levels of religiosity such as Pakistan and the Caribbean
- 2. Belonging to an ethnic minority group within a society means that religion can be an important basis for a sense of community and solidarity
- 3. Minority groups see religion as a way of maintaining cultural identity in terms of traditions
- 4. Socialization can lead to strong pressure on children to maintain religious committment
- Especially among Asian groups
- 5. Religious beliefs may be a way to cope with oppression
- Steve Bruce (1995)
- Believes religiosity is more of an expression of community rather than religious committment
- Religion is...
- 2. Cultural Transition - used to cope with the upheaval of migration
- 1. Cultural Defence - using religion to protect identity in a hostile environment
- Believes that over time the secular nature of British society will erode the importance of religion for ethnic minorities
- Modood
- Modood supports this
- Believes that over time the secular nature of British society will erode the importance of religion for ethnic minorities
- Found that younger Chinese, White and Afro-Caribbean people were considerably less religious than their parents
- In some groups there was no decline between generations - particularly Muslims
- Modood supports this
- Weber (1920)
- Immigrants had high levels of belief before they migrated to the UK
- Religion acts as an explanation for the disadvantaged
- Butler (1995)
- 'Cultural Hybridity' - a blending of cultures
- Ken Pryce
- Observation in St Paul's, Bristol
- Ramji (2007)
- Islam is a way for Muslim men to secure a dominant gender identity
- Men that held patriarchal attitudes justified them with Islam
- Muslim women have a duty to be modest
- E.g, Covering up with a veil, staying out of the public sphere and they cannot take paid employment
- John Bird - Explanations for Higher Religiosity
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