- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 19-04-15 14:59
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- Against Euthanasia
- Some people get better despite terminal diagnoses
- There are pain killers
- Life is a gift from God, he decides when we die
- It could make elderly + disabled think there in th way and would be better off dead
- The hospice Movement offers caring facilities for the dying, Palliative Care
- Care not Killing foundation
- Christians + euthanasia
- Life is Sacred - People are created in the image of God
- "Palliative care embraces the mind, body and soul" Church of Ireland
- "Euthasia is an offence against the dignity of a person" Catholic Church
- Jesus healed people with illness, not condem them to death
- "You Shall Not Murder"
- Christians are 100% against Euthanasia
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