Evaluate the extent to which the cabinet can act as a check on prime ministerial power
- Created by: wanjikar
- Created on: 28-05-23 15:49
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- Evaluate the extent to which the cabinet can act as a check on prime ministerial power
- Yes, can check the PM
- can overrule the PM
- 2019, Johnson faced a number of 'rebellions' or cabinet overrulings over Brexit
- can rebel against the PM's views
- PM can be removed by cabinet
- Blair removed by cabinet in 2007 as a result of momentum in the party for a new leadership and to avoid further party divisions
- can drive a PM out of power by refusing to support them in public
- divided party reduces PM's control
- Major led a divided government (1992-97) so struggled to pass legislation
- can overrule the PM
- No, can't check the PM
- PM is understood as the govt leader by the public
- During Covid, Johnson was looked to as the government leader when it came to making decisions
- cabinet can only act as a check on prime ministerial power due to his greater authority as a result of public perceptions
- PM has patronage power
- Thatcher used her patronage powers to dismiss the 'wets' in her cabinet
- chairs cabinet and controls agenda
- Blair extended his control over cabinet by reducing the time he met and discussed policy - 'sofa politics'
- PM retains control over the agenda, meetings and the time that the president spends with cabinet
- PM is understood as the govt leader by the public
- Yes, can check the PM
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