Evaluate the role of food security in the development process
- Created by: Maddy
- Created on: 11-05-17 17:35
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- Evaluate the role of food security in the development process
- Availability
- Depends on Social climate as if in a time of war food security may not be possible, e.g Rwandan Genocide
- Food security allows people to focus their time on other things
- This can lead to Capacity building
- Affects mothers and children the most as food insecurity raises maternal mortality and creates orphans
- Without a future generation you can't develop
- Harder to have this in rural areas because of remoteness
- Affordability
- It is harder for those in Urban areas in developing countries to be food secure because it is expensive, e.g. Ugandans spend 80% of Income on food
- Countries that can't feed themselves risk political instability and the government loses credibility
- If food isn't affordable it is more difficult to participate in modernisation
- Utilisation
- NGOS like Practical Action provide appropriate technology to help developing countries utilise what they have
- It is less of a problem in developed countries because they have subsidies making food cheaper as well as technologies
- Also being in trading blocs makes it easier to have food security as you produce what you have a comparitive advantage in
- If food isn't Utilised properly it is a waste of resources and can slow down development
- Malnutriton makes it harder for people to concentrate
- Availability
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