Automatism Evaluation
- Created by: Becca_67
- Created on: 03-01-19 10:44
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- Evaluation of Automatism
- Denial of Actus Reus or Mens Rea
- Either ...
- 1) Denial of a voluntary Action
- 2) Denial of forming mens rea
- Means that there could be a defence available for Strict Liability
- Either ...
- A Complete Defence
- Judge cannot give orders like with Insanity
- means they cannot prevent further recurrences
- Incoherent distinction between Automatism and Insanity
- some classed as insane pose no danger
- some acuitted under automatism may act again
- Conflicting Results
- Diabetes
- If taken too much insulin = external = Automatism
- Not taken enough insulin = internal = insanity
- Diabetes
- Sleep Walking Confusion
- Burgess = 'disease of mind' = insanity
- Pooley = Parasomania = Automatism
- Denial of Actus Reus or Mens Rea
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