Evidence A (New Balance)
- Created by: cat997
- Created on: 25-03-16 20:18
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- Evidence A
- Aesthetically pleasing product
- Solid colours
- Unique
- Solid colours
- Celebrity endorsement
- Leads to high demand
- Trends
- Target market = teens/young adults
- Look up to people like Rihanna
- Sold on Asos.com
- Digital marketing
- Increase in popularity of online sales
- Multichannel distribution
- Increase in popularity of online sales
- E-commerce
- Digital marketing
- Price Inelastic
- Due to brand loyalty
- Charge premium prices due to branding
- Competitors
- Nike
- Focuses on sports trainers
- Been around a while
- Wider product portfolio
- Established brand
- Variety of celebrities
- Nike
- Themes
- Flimby
- Nice location
- Easy access
- Well respected
- Employees valued
- Motivation high?
- Human compettiveness
- Decent wages
- Motivation high?
- Good management style
- Ethics are good
- Aesthetically pleasing product
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