Evidence D (New Balance)
- Created by: cat997
- Created on: 15-03-16 12:15
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- Evidence D
- Current ratio
- 2012 = 1.4:1
- Current assets/current liabilities
- Ability to pay debts over next year
- 2013 = 1.03:1
- 1.5:1 is preferable
- Acid test ratio
- 2012 = 0.82:1
- 2013 = 0.58:1
- Current assets - stock/current liabilitiws
- Ability to pay debts immediately
- 1:1 is needed to only just cover
- ROCE (return on capital employed)
- 2012 = 2.68%
- 2013 = 38.12
- The higher the better - more money made
- operating profit (net profit)/capital employed x 100%
- Compares net profit to amount of money in the business
- Gearing ratio
- Measures how reliant a firm is on borrowed money
- Untitled
- Current ratio
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