Exam 2 People Of The Planet case study mind map
- Created by: jodie.keaveney1
- Created on: 04-11-19 20:27
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- People of the planet
- Rainforest case study (Amazon, Peru)
- Value
- Produces 20% of worlds carbon
- 3rd largest rainforest in the world
- Threats
- PetroPeru pipeline leaks have lost over 2000 barrels of oil
- 90% of fish in gold mining areas are contaminated with mercury
- 1,100 of Peru`s rain forest are illegally logged each year
- Silted rivers mean 25% of Nanti tribe live up to teens (malnutrition)
- Management
- 1 tree = 550kg carbon storage per year
- REDD+ sell carbon credits to companies to offset their emissions
- Surui tribe take GPS located photos of illegal logging and upload to google
- Sustainable agroforestry - banana circles, cocoa which are cash crops
- Value
- Coral Case Study (ST Lucia)
- Threats
- 29 diseases affect coral
- 340,000 tourists visit annually
- Sea temps increase by 2 degrees C coral bleaching can occur
- 30% of reefs are severely threatened by over fishing
- Value
- Home to 25% of all marine species on the planet
- 450m live close to reefs and rely on them for food
- Management
- set up in 1986
- 6 marine reserves
- All groups involved e.g. local fishermen
- 12Km coastline
- $600,000, raised to pay for the reserve
- Threats
- Rainforest case study (Amazon, Peru)
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