'Examine How Ideas About Development Have Been Influenced by Economic, Social and Political Perspectives'
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 04-06-17 10:00
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- 'Examine How Ideas About Development Have Been Influenced by Economic, Social and Political Perspectives'
- Social
- grassroots philosophy
- importance of development for communities by communities
- Decision making regarding development lies with local communities
- empowerment of people through participation-especially women
- occurs through NGOs and small-scale sustainable strategies
- bottom-up development and state-led
- active participation and decision-making of locals
- development strategies of many countries since the 1990s
- links to human development theory and development as freedom
- links also to sustainable development theory
- sustainable development is only achievable on a local scale
- development with a focus on improving human capital
- Political
- It is the duty of the west to develop under-developed countries
- links to colonialism and old colonial attitudes
- Neo-colonialism
- links to colonialism and old colonial attitudes
- Links to dependency theory
- exploitation of resources and modernisation of societies less developed then Europe
- links to modernisation theory and neo-liberalism
- development is modernising and becoming westernised
- exploitation creates effective economies
- links to modernisation theory and neo-liberalism
- Exploitation of less developed countries
- development focused on improving political processes-- how society is organised and things are distributed
- It is the duty of the west to develop under-developed countries
- Economic
- neo-liberalism as an economic ideal of market liberalism
- development by removing traditions, monopolies and state intervention
- Modernisation theory -traditions hold economies back from developing
- promotion of trade and exploitative industry for effective development
- Modernisation theory -traditions hold economies back from developing
- economic development and democracy are priorities
- Free trade, development through economic growth
- free markets create efficient markets through specialisation
- industrial efficiency and roles of private enterprise
- UK & US 1970's-1990's
- development focussed on generating wealth
- Eurocentric Attitudes
- idea that development should mimic western attitudes, lifestyle and governance
- developing countries promoting top-down development
- top-down to increase economic output of their countries
- eg. Narmada Dam, India- wants to supply 1.9m ha farmland with water & clean water to 3,500 villages
- increases productivity, real income & economic output
- eg. Narmada Dam, India- wants to supply 1.9m ha farmland with water & clean water to 3,500 villages
- Social
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