Examine How Political Attitudes and Ideas Have Influenced Development Strategies
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 25-05-17 21:35
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- Examine How Political Attitudes and Ideas Have Influenced Development Strategies
- Grassroots
- alternative to top-down/tree top development
- rarely costs >£50,000
- but v. small scale!
- SASA! works in small communities but relies on distribution of information by locals
- Send a Cow: sends one cow and v again relies on local distribution
- Bureaucrats don't like it = v. easy to reject projects
- development is tailored to communities
- plan their own projects & seek support themselves
- intergration with locals! Oxfam, SASA!
- provides alternative to western development models
- retains culture & social equality
- barriers of language/ conceptual differences
- hard to achieve things if everyone has to participate- else top down!
- No larger goals/targets & not part of programme
- No way of knowing when finished
- No way of measuring progress
- people centered and freedom for individuals
- empowerment creates freedom
- appropriate technology -Micro-hydro
- participatory development - Chipko
- advocacy - Oxfam
- alternative to top-down/tree top development
- Neoliberalism
- free global trade can stimulate economic growth & large businesses can profit more without government intervention
- development achieved through 'trade not aid'
- promoted by international organisations (WTO, IMF, World Bank) & & Washington Consensus
- Washington Consensus (1989)
- Neoliberal policy
- reduce role of govt & increase entrepeneur-ship
- privatisation, liberalisation, macro-stability
- created SAPs (1987)
- failed to recognise lack of economic structures (banking)
- makes entrepeneur-ship impossible
- some ecoc recovery but increased inequality
- 60% increase in education fees (UGANDA)
- austerity measures provide structures for managing debt
- reduced debt! and ecoc growth statistically
- failed to recognise lack of economic structures (banking)
- Washington Consensus (1989)
- does work! but aid needed as a catalyst to put in place structures for trade
- promoted by international organisations (WTO, IMF, World Bank) & & Washington Consensus
- multiplier effect leads to upward spiral of economic growth
- leads to exploitation
- Nike in Vietnam
- workers paid 5* minimum wage
- microloans to start small businesses
- only works until people demand better pay & negv multiplier as TNCs leave
- still creates dependency on MEDCs
- governments attract TNCs by reducing trade barriers
- reduced government in population to encourage productivity and create growth
- increase entrepeneur-ship??
- however! reduces social wlefare!
- increases standard of living and technology
- increases inequality
- those with money are alright to pay for services but those without struggle to afford them
- people-centred, freedom for the individual, belief you will only be free without government constraints
- Grassroots
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