Examine how the meaning of development varies between different parts of the world
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 31-05-17 15:06
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- 'Examine How the Meaning of Development Varies Between Different Parts of the World'
- Global South
- developing
- quality of life is improving & increased ability to meet BHNs
- water not recognised as BHN in USA & many lack access but in UK is basic human right
- next world war will be over water (Ismail Serageldin)
- water not recognised as BHN in USA & many lack access but in UK is basic human right
- quality of life is improving & increased ability to meet BHNs
- dependency theory
- core & periphery - devt in one = underdevt in the other
- devt from GN is exploitative & reinforces inequality
- post-development theory (development is dead)
- Joseph Stiglitz: post-Washington consensus, v critical of GN but from GN
- doesn't like neo-liberalism bc creates inequality which is bad for business
- forcing free markets on GS does not develop it creates inequality
- devt from GN is exploitative & reinforces inequality
- core & periphery - devt in one = underdevt in the other
- traditional values
- high birth rates but decreased death rates = popn growth
- basic human needs
- quality of life is improving & increased ability to meet BHNs
- water not recognised as BHN in USA & many lack access but in UK is basic human right
- next world war will be over water (Ismail Serageldin)
- water not recognised as BHN in USA & many lack access but in UK is basic human right
- quality of life is improving & increased ability to meet BHNs
- empowerment
- empowerment of locals through decision making increases capacity
- people centered! focus on solutions for all
- socialism? of services?
- Amartya Sen: human development theory & development as freedom
- human devt blames inability to think broadly abt devt as a cause of poverty
- some social groups (eg. women) more susceptible to famine then others
- capacity building and participation
- most farmers in India are women
- works as grassroots with local women to promote organic farming and empower them
- people centered! focus on solutions for all
- empowerment of locals through decision making increases capacity
- population explosion
- high birth rates but decreased death rates = popn growth
- grassroots
- empowerment of locals through decision making increases capacity
- people centered! focus on solutions for all
- socialism? of services?
- Amartya Sen: human development theory & development as freedom
- human devt blames inability to think broadly abt devt as a cause of poverty
- some social groups (eg. women) more susceptible to famine then others
- capacity building and participation
- most farmers in India are women
- works as grassroots with local women to promote organic farming and empower them
- people centered! focus on solutions for all
- empowerment of locals through decision making increases capacity
- primary industry
- main source of income & improving this aids devt
- Vandana Shiva: against bio-technology & genetic engineering
- increasing crop yields through organic farming
- critique of India's green revolution - causes dependency
- Vandana Shiva: against bio-technology & genetic engineering
- main source of income & improving this aids devt
- agricultural
- main source of income & improving this aids devt
- Vandana Shiva: against bio-technology & genetic engineering
- increasing crop yields through organic farming
- critique of India's green revolution - causes dependency
- Vandana Shiva: against bio-technology & genetic engineering
- main source of income & improving this aids devt
- Vandana Shiva (Ecofeminist)
- 'it is not an investment if it is destroying the planet'
- 'it is not an investment if it is destroying the planet'
- developing
- Global North
- free markets
- lack of government regulation & private business causes growth
- Washington Consensus, enforced liberalisation, FDI, WTO, EU, A. Smith
- based off meritocracy and individualism
- lack of government regulation & private business causes growth
- capitalism
- lack of government regulation & private business causes growth
- Washington Consensus, enforced liberalisation, FDI, WTO, EU, A. Smith
- based off meritocracy and individualism
- lack of government regulation & private business causes growth
- westernised
- centered around Europe & western ideals
- development = democracy & capitalism
- USA embargos on Cuba bc socialist & non-democratic
- Amartya Sen: no famine has ever occurred in a country with free press and regular elections
- built on years of inequality bc colonialism = dominance
- development = democracy & capitalism
- centered around Europe & western ideals
- modernisation theory
- industrialising leads to development
- centered around Europe & western ideals
- development = democracy & capitalism
- USA embargos on Cuba bc socialist & non-democratic
- Amartya Sen: no famine has ever occurred in a country with free press and regular elections
- built on years of inequality bc colonialism = dominance
- development = democracy & capitalism
- centered around Europe & western ideals
- industrialising leads to development
- neo-liberalism
- consumerism
- buying goods will bring happiness
- 80:20 split
- buying goods will bring happiness
- sustainable development
- main cause of the need for conservation &SD & are the main enforcers of it on the poor
- CITES set up by GN & detrimental to development in GS
- GS need to exploit to develop but GN says no
- Ramofana National Park (Madagascar) run from office in New York & 80,000 locals described as 'economic disaster'
- Amartya Sen: less critical of GN bc moved into it
- development is more than just GDP (created HDI for UN)
- Human Development theory
- development is more than just GDP (created HDI for UN)
- main cause of the need for conservation &SD & are the main enforcers of it on the poor
- conservation
- main cause of the need for conservation &SD & are the main enforcers of it on the poor
- CITES set up by GN & detrimental to development in GS
- GS need to exploit to develop but GN says no
- Ramofana National Park (Madagascar) run from office in New York & 80,000 locals described as 'economic disaster'
- main cause of the need for conservation &SD & are the main enforcers of it on the poor
- eurocentric
- development is someone else's problem
- consumerism
- buying goods will bring happiness
- 80:20 split
- buying goods will bring happiness
- consumerism
- free markets
- Brandt Line
- socio-economic and political divide
- 4/5 permanent members of UN security council from GS
- 80:20 split - 20% world's popn live in GN & consume 80% world's resources
- GN has money bc old colonisers
- control trade & aid
- has all the patents (technological divide)
- socio-economic and political divide
- Global South
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