Examples for Parliament-politics AS
- Created by: Hazpenfold
- Created on: 13-05-14 15:43
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- Examples for Parliament
- Backbench rebellions
- Blair in 2003- 122 Labour MPs backed an amendment to a motion saying the case for war for Iraq had not been proven.
- IN the past 3 years there have been nearly 300 rebellions in the coalition.
- Dennis Skinner- Labour MP who is not influenced by party membership and always votes with his conscience.
- Private member bills- Abortion Act 1967
- Vote of No Confidence- James Callaghan's government in 1979.
- Social backgrounds of MPs
- Youngest MP in the 2010 election was 25, average age was 50. Average age of in UK-40.3 years.
- 22% of women are MPs,population over 50% female.
- In 2010, only 27 ethnic minority candidates returned to the commons.
- Only 60 MPs come from a working class background, 70% have a university degree, only 15% of UK population do.
- Cabinet and PM
- Blair government- handing over interest rates to the BofE in 1997, before the Cabinet even met
- Blair continued this, preferred to conduct his business through bilateral meetings
- Important decisions often made at informal meetings with an inner circle of advisors
- Mo Mowlam (NIS) in the Labours first term, accused Blair putting his faith in unelected advisors rather than ministers; acting like a President not a PM.
- In 2004, Lord Butler, concerned about the bypassing of cabinet and taking decisions at small informal meetingskk
- Blair continued this, preferred to conduct his business through bilateral meetings
- John Major- used cabinet more. He was unelected until 1992, relatively inexperienced, splits over Europe.
- Thatcher's government- Votes rarely taken in cabinet, as they would reveal divisions, example Poll Tax
- Cameroon forced to use his cabinet more. Co-operation was need to, 5 ministers LD in cabinet
- Coalition made and published a formal agreement on all main polices, which the cabinet were suppose to agree on.
- Blair government- handing over interest rates to the BofE in 1997, before the Cabinet even met
- Constituency representation
- Douglas Carswell, a Tory backbencher wanted to vote against the bill. However, because on page 23 on the conservative manifesto which he stood for in 2010, he felt like it was a promise. Therefore he voted with party loyalty and not with his/constituency views.
- Backbench rebellions
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