Excretion Summary Mindmap
- Created by: TheHarmanator
- Created on: 15-03-16 18:05
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- Excretion
- The removal of waste products from cell metabolism
- Lungs remove Carbon Dioxide from blood
- Kidney's remove urea and extra salts and water from blood:
- urine gets tested for hormones and other contents
- In the collecting duct....
- water reabsorption
- Water potential of the blood
- Hypothalamus in brain
- posterior pituitary gland
- water reabsorption
- Water potential of the blood
- Hypothalamus in brain
- posterior pituitary gland
- posterior pituitary gland
- Hypothalamus in brain
- Water potential of the blood
- water reabsorption
- posterior pituitary gland
- Hypothalamus in brain
- Water potential of the blood
- water reabsorption
- The liver as a particularly active metabolic organ. Deamination of excess amino acids and conversion to urea
- Urea into blood
- Into Afferent Artiriole
- Urea into blood
- The removal of waste products from cell metabolism
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