Exercise intensity.
- Created by: Holleanne
- Created on: 28-11-16 10:22
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- Exercise intensity.
- Heart rate.
- Measuring this is one of the ways to measure exercise intensity.
- A target heart rate is what you need to achieve to reach specific training adaptations.
- HRMax- 220-age.
- You can measure heart rate using a heart rate monitor or by counting the pulse.
- The Borg (RPE) scale.
- Rating of perceived exertion.
- This is how hard the performer thinks they are working.
- 6-20. 6 being no exertion and 20 being maximum exertion. 12 and 14 suggest a moderate level.
- To predict heart rate: RPE x 10. Measured in bpm.
- Training zones
- Warm up/cool down- 50%or less Fat burning zone- 50%-60% Aerobic training zone- 60%-85% Anaerobic threshold- 85%-100%
- The preferred percentage of your maximum heart rate.
- Warm up/cool down- 50%or less Fat burning zone- 50%-60% Aerobic training zone- 60%-85% Anaerobic threshold- 85%-100%
- Aerobic training zone- 220-age=HRMax. 60% and 80% of the HRMax.
- Heart rate.
- Training zones
- The preferred percentage of your maximum heart rate.
- Aerobic training zone- 220-age=HRMax. 60% and 80% of the HRMax.
- The preferred percentage of your maximum heart rate.
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