Sustainble Transport, Skills, Case Study
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Ellie R
- Created on: 31-05-13 15:48
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- Explain how transport is being managed in urban areas. You should refer to a number of different sustainable schemes in your answer (6)
- Congestion Charging
- Charging motorists to travel in to large urban areas during times of heaviest travel
- Example: London Congestion Charge
- Introduced in 2003
- To drive into the centre of London, motorists were charged £5 in 2003, £8 in 2005, and £10 now
- Traffic levels have been reduced by 21%
- There are now 65,000 fewer car journeys a day
- Increase of 29,000 bus passengers entering the zone during morning peak time
- AIM: To reduce number of vehicles entering the city, reducing congestion, and so reducing pollution
- Should encourage people to use public transport, cycle and walk
- 12% increase in cycle journeys within the zone
- 12% fall in nitrous oxide emissions
- Cameras photograph and register care license plates when they enter and exit the zone.
- Operates from 7am to 6pm.
- Park and Ride
- People park their cars in large designated parking areas on the edge of urban areas and catch a bus in to town centre
- Example: Cambridge Park and Ride Scheme
- Scheme provides 4500 parking spaces on the outskirts of Cambridge
- Double decker buses leave every 10 minutes and can carry up to 70 passengers
- Bus passengers are charged £2.20 per day
- During the day - Monday to Saturday
- Usually located on main routes coming in to the urban area, as they are more accessible to car users
- Approximately 40 people will travel on one bus rather than in 40 individual vehicles, resulting in much less congestion
- Other schemes include:
- Car Sharing
- Workers share lifts to work.
- If 1/2 of UK motorists received a lift once a day, vehicle congestion and pollution would be reduced by 10% and traffic jams by 20%
- Designated cycle and walking paths within urban areas
- E.g. Milton Keynes has 273km of cycle paths
- Road lanes that only allow cars with at least 2 passengers to use them
- E.g. Near Bristol University
- Road lanes that give priority to buses, so they miss some of the congestion
- E.g. The A329 directly in to Reading
- Car Sharing
- Congestion Charging