Explaining the gender division of labour
- Created by: CaitlinA02
- Created on: 01-04-20 12:19
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- Explaining the gender division of labour
- Cultural explanations: Inequality in the household is due to patriarchal norms and values
- Socialisation
- Gershuny
- Couples whose parents had an equal division of labour are more likely to have their own
- Social values are adapting to women working full-time
- 'Lagged adaption'
- a gradual shift
- Shift in social attitudes
- British Attitudes Survey 2013
- less than 10% of under 35s agreed with traditional division of labour vs 30% of over 65s
- there's a cultural march of progress
- Changes in gender role socialisation= more equal relationships
- Equality in sexuality
- Dunne
- Lesbian couples are more symmetrical
- 'gender scripts' don't apply to homosexual couples. Free to create more equal relationships
- Heterosexual couples feel pressure to conform to scripts. Division of labour is based on these
- Socialisation
- Material explanations: Low income means its economically rational for women to stay home
- Man Ye Kan
- For every £10,000 a woman earns she does 2 hours less housework a week
- High Standard of living
- Arber and Gin
- Middle Class women could afford childcare and labour saving devices
- Working-Class women can't afford these. They're stuck in a vicious cycle of low paid part-time work and domestic responsibilites
- New Technology
- Silver and Schor
- Housework is 'comercialised'
- The goods and services are 'mass produced' by supermarkets etc
- These goods reduce the amount of domestic labour. Working women can afford these so housework is decreased
- Cultural explanations: Inequality in the household is due to patriarchal norms and values
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