Treatments of schizophrenia
- Created by: chelsealewis
- Created on: 03-05-16 14:09
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- Treatments for Schizophrenia
- Biomedical
- ECT: given an anaesthetic before having a brief electric shock (70-130 volts), this is done over a series of sessions.
- Drug treatment: Chlorpromazine is an example of an anti-psychotic drugThe mode of action is to block dopamine receptors in the brain, which means that the post synaptic receptor sites do not respond to dopamine.
- behavioural
- Token economy: Operant conditioning rewarded for good behaviour which can be exchanged for something desirable
- Cognitive
- CBT: aims to change and modify peoples thoughts. A therapist will challenge their irrational and faulty thoughts. The intention would be to reduce negative effects of the condition.
- Biomedical
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