Explanations of Causes and Cures of Disease
- Created by: Julia
- Created on: 01-06-13 11:33
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- Explanations of Causes & Cures
- Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Disease caused by inbalance of four humours
- punishment from God
- miasma theory
- astrology
- Spontaneous Generation
- Industrial Revolution
- Pasteur's Germ Theory 1861
- Robert Koch linked specific bacteria to specific diseases
- new vaccines e.g TB 1906
- Jenner's Smallpox vaccine 1796
- 20th Century
- Further understanding of microbes
- Crick & Watson discovered structure of DNA 1953
- Further understanding of cause of disease
- Magic Bullets
- Salvarsan 606, Ehrlich 1905
- Prontosil, Domagk 1932
- Fleming's Penicillin 1940
- Middle Ages and Renaissance
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