Exposure by Wilfred Owen
- Created by: Nicole18jc
- Created on: 25-02-19 07:31
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- Exposure by Wilfred Owen
- Context
- born in 1893
- he was hospitalised in WW1 because of PTSD
- met the poet Siegfried Sassoon and he encourage Owen to keep writing
- started writing poems at the age of 11
- died a week before the war ended
- Form and Structure
- each stanza has a regular rhyme scheme (ABBAC)
- often half rhymes
- stanzas end in a half line
- caesuras, unsure, hesitation
- eight stanzas but no/ little progression
- Language
- bleak language
- assonance and onomatopoeia
- verbs= vivid and distressing
- "merciless iced east winds that knive us"
- "but nothing happens"
- "since we believe not otherwise can kind fires burn"
- Emotions
- boredom
- hopelessness and suffering
- wondering and question
- sacrifice
- sadness
- Conflicts
- Power of nature and weather
- power of war
- weakness of humans
- who is superior/ inferior
- Past and Present
- written in the war// current audience cant properly relate
- progression throughout the poem is slow
- nothing much changes
- views and opinons of war have changed
- Context
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