Exposure by Wilfred Owen
- Created by: sirwin
- Created on: 11-04-18 19:44
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- Exposure Wilfred Owen
- Language
- Sibilance
- 'War lasts, rain soaks'
- 'Bullets whizzing past ears'
- Plosive Consonants
- 'Knive us'
- Unsettling for reader
- Portrays weather as greater threat
- 'Her melancholy army rose from the east'
- Sibilance
- Context
- Cold Winter 1916-1917 in France and Flanders
- Soldiers suffered from hypothermia and frostbite
- Owen and others had to lie outside for 2 days
- Comparisons
- The Man He Killed
- Effects of war
- Realising both sides are the same
- The Man He Killed
- Structure/ Form
- 8 stanzas
- Last line of each stanza shorter
- Emphasises it's importance
- Last line of each stanza shorter
- Repetition
- 'But nothing happens'
- Emphasises point
- Assonance
- 3rd stanza
- 'Know','Grow'
- Long 'O' sounds
- Emphasises waiting
- 8 stanzas
- Language
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