Extracting Copper and Recycling Metals
- Created by: adelesimpson
- Created on: 08-05-16 12:01
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- Extracting Copper and Recycling Metals
- Smelting
- Copper can be extracted from copper rich ores by heating ores in a furnace
- Phytomining
- Uses plants that grow in soils with high levels of copper compounds
- Plants absorb compounds
- They are harvested and burnt
- Copper extracted from ash that is produced
- Boileaching
- Uses bacteria to separate copper from copper sulphide
- Leachate is produced that contains copper
- Displacement
- Iron is more reactive than copper
- More reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from a solution of its salt
- More reactive metal bonds strongly to the non-metal part of the salt
- Less reactive metal forms a pure element
- Advantages of recycling metals
- Old metal objects can be melted down and converted into completely new products
- Small fraction of energy is needed to recycle metals
- Environmental and economic benefits
- Conserve limited resources
- Reduced the need to mine so less damage is done to the landscape
- Reduces pollution
- Reduces amount of waste metals so less land is needed for landfill
- Disadvantage
- Time and energy costs
- Smelting
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