extreme environments: Nepal
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 29-03-13 11:00
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- extreme environments - Nepal
- location
- central asia
- land locked county
- capital is called kathmandu
- contains part of the Himalayas mountain range
- hishest in the world is found in Nepal 8848
- contains 8/10 of the highest peaks in the world
- Nepal
- one of the five most undeveloped nations in the world
- gross national product (GNP) per Capital of US $ 320 (UK GNP is US$ 28,870
- environment
- 35% of the country is covered in forest
- 20% is protected as a national prak
- wildlife
- exotic orchids
- butterfilies
- birds
- activities
- trekking
- rafting
- paragliding
- biking
- canoeing
- microlight aircraft
- cable cars
- jet skiing
- boating
- mountain flights
- jungle safari
- bungie jumping
- mangement
- saving fuel
- travel ecologically (by horse)
- kerosome gas is used instead of wood for cooking
- reduce pollution
- waste is burnt
- vegtable or food scraps are given to stock animals
- protect environment
- it is illegal to interfere with wildlife or their habitat
- not aloud to walk on vegetation or collect flowers or plants
- encourage tourists to go to a wide range of areas.
- and to stay in designated camp-sites (advertising them better)
- saving fuel
- social impacts
- positive
- created many jobs eg tour guides
- employs over 130000 people
- income tax can by used by the local council to be spent on education and health care
- created many jobs eg tour guides
- negative
- a group called the Sherpas benefited alot they had a high income, but some become drug addict and ruined their reputation
- a new group formed these were non- Sherpas but they couldn't cope with the high altidudes
- this created conflict
- a group called the Sherpas benefited alot they had a high income, but some become drug addict and ruined their reputation
- this created conflict
- positive
- environmental impacts
- positive
- wasted land can be used
- negative
- tourist create deforestation as they cut down trees to build fires
- fires disturb animals natural habitats
- litter pollutes the natural environment
- tourists may trample on plants and flowers
- waste pollution can cause harm to the environment if not buried at least 50 m away from a water source
- positive
- economical
- positive
- tax created can be used to improve infrstructure
- to government can use money to manage tourism
- 8% of wealth is dependant on tourism
- negative
- money will have to spent on replanting trees
- westerns bring over disrespectful ways of life so police force will have to be increased
- money will have to be spent on waste disposal
- money will have to be spent on repairing foot path erosion
- positive
- location
- 35% of the country is covered in forest