F296 - Production
- Created by: ellelorenross
- Created on: 04-01-16 16:38
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- F296 - Production - Sheet 2
- Location Of Industry depends on:
- Globalisation
- Globalisation is happening because:
- Rise of Multinational Business
- Growing International Trade
- Increasing Global Strategy
- Factors that affect globalisation:
- Deregulation of Business
- Consumer Tastes
- Technology
- Growing Markets and Competition
- Transport and Communication
- Effects of Globalisation on Business:
- Economies Of Scale
- Meeting Customers Expectations
- Choice Of Location
- Competition - USP/Added Value
- Mergers and Joint Ventures
- Globalisation is happening because:
- Type of Market/Costs
- Cost of Site/Materials
- Government Initatives
- Location of Consumers
- Competition
- Infrastructure
- Type of Business
- Planning Regulations
- Globalisation
- Types of production
- Flow/Mass
- High set up costs
- Standardised products can be produced quickly
- If the line stops, the whole process stops
- Competitive advanatge
- Repetitive tasks lead to low morale
- Little downtime
- Cell
- Might cause confliction between employees
- Better control by management
- Expesnive to implement and training costs
- Better communication
- Batch
- Large quantities made at once
- Faster method of production
- Unit costs decreases per batch
- Down time can slow production
- Increased storage costs due to high stock levels
- Variation of batch is limited
- Job
- Customer needs met exactly
- High quality
- Easy to motivate workers and job satisfaction
- Higher production costs
- Slow process
- Hard to find labour
- Flow/Mass
- Specialisation and Division of Labour
- Specialisation is: where business employee with specialist skills to do certain jobs that require these skills
- Easier to focus on tasks given
- Some tasks are automated saving long term costs
- Time efficient
- Division of Labour is: where a job is broke into specialist tasks and it goes down a proudction line and is ceahper
- Results in poorer quality
- Tasks are reptitive so become boring
- Higher wages for increased skill
- Division of Labour is: where a job is broke into specialist tasks and it goes down a proudction line and is ceahper
- Results in poorer quality
- Tasks are reptitive so become boring
- Higher wages for increased skill
- Specialisation is: where business employee with specialist skills to do certain jobs that require these skills
- Gantt Charts
- Doesnt idenify EST (Earliest Start Time) and LFT (Latest Finishing Time)
- Shows both time and resource allocation
- Cant identify critical activities
- Easy to monitor
- Productivity
- Generalises worker output
- Open to interpretation
- Easy forumlas
- Figures may be incorrect and give false figures
- Productivity can be improved by:
- Reducning number of workers
- Better motivation
- High levels of training
- Shifts can be reorganised
- Ergnomic design factors
- Updated Technology
- Effective managment strategies
- Capacity Utalisation
- Over Capacity
- Can be used for short term use when demnad is high
- Waste will increase
- Increased working hoursby employees
- Overall costs will increase
- Under Capacity
- Allows business to be able to grow
- Have extra capacity for when a spike in demand occurs randomly
- Seasonal demand
- Could show inefficient product process
- Full Capacity
- Little maintance support
- Fewer resources are wasted
- Level of quality may be effected
- Average unit cost will fall
- Human Resource Management
- Motivational stratgeies
- Recruitment/training
- Delayering
- Pay/wages
- Absenteesim
- Flexibility
- Quality
- TQM (Total Quality Management)
- Time consuming and Expensive measure to implement
- Kaizen
- Less errors and waste
- New management style will breakdown
- Process centered
- Employees may not mend to tthe new changes
- Quality Circles
- Expensive measure to put into place
- Can gain new ideas for all parts of the business
- May cause conflict when some staff are not involved
- Increases quality
- Bench Marking
- Easy to give special attention to
- Only spots improvements does help to change them
- Compares facts and figures only
- TQM (Total Quality Management)
- Location Of Industry depends on:
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