Factors Affecting Growth and Development
- Created by: KeavyLeigh
- Created on: 03-11-16 10:21
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- Factors Affecting Growth and Development
- Life Style Choices
- Smoking
- Effects your brain, stomach , skin, heart, lungs, circulation, mouth and throat
- Drinking
- Effects on brain, liver and immune system. Could develop cancer or pancreatis
- Drugs
- Effects on overall health, effects on the brain, behavioural problems
- Smoking
- Genetic Inheritance
- Disabilities
- Inherited characteristic
- Talents
- Influence of play
- Solitary Play
- Playing alone so wont socialise with other children
- Social Play
- Working with other children so will develop social skills.
- Solitary Play
- Culture
- Religion
- Community Influences
- Gender
- Inequality
- Employment opportunity
- Expectations
- Influence of role models
- Copying what they do could affect you in a positive or negative way
- Money
- Low income
- Not enough nutrients
- Might not live in a nice area
- Untitled
- Low income
- Life Style Choices
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