Factors affecting Voting Behaviour
- Created by: kieracozzer
- Created on: 04-05-17 11:44
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- Factors Affecting Voting Behaviour
- Sociological Model
- Social Class
- group defined by social and economic status
- Wealthier are more likely to vote Conservative
- 44% ABs voted conservative (20% Labour)
- Poorer are more likely to vote Labour
- 42% DEs voted Labour (28% Cons.)
- Ethnicity
- BME more likely to vote Labour
- 65% of BME voted Labour
- Ethnic minorities aren't a homogeneous group
- Indian Origins more likely to vote Conservative 24% in 2015
- More affluent
- 6% African Origins voted Conservative
- Indian Origins more likely to vote Conservative 24% in 2015
- Social Class
- group defined by social and economic status
- Wealthier are more likely to vote Conservative
- 44% ABs voted conservative (20% Labour)
- Poorer are more likely to vote Labour
- 42% DEs voted Labour (28% Cons.)
- BME more likely to vote Labour
- 18-24 year olds are more likely to vote Labour
- 43% voted Labour (27% Cons.)
- 65+ more likely to vote conservative
- More likely to vote UKIP (17%)
- 18-24 year olds are more likely to vote Labour
- Social Class
- Rational Choice
- Issue Voting
- compare party policies and vote closest to their own
- Focuses on issues on which parties differ
- Valence Issues
- main parties in broad agreement
- make a decision on competence
- prospective voting: WILL do
- retrospective voting: what they've done
- Issue Voting
- Party Identification
- Partisan Alignment
- vote for the same PARTY at each election
- Partisan Alignment
- Dominant Ideology
- Influenced by the presiding ideas in the media
- Leadership
- TV Debates 2010: 51% Nick Clegg 'won' 1st
- Ed Miliband Bacon Sandwich
- Reinforcer
- Agenda Shaping
- Influencer
- Sociological Model
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