Factors of pressure group success
- Created by: JCarver
- Created on: 16-06-15 20:11
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- Factors of PG success
- Money
- Allows for effective use of methods
- Electioneering
- National Association of Realtord donated just under$4m to federal candidates in 2012
- Media
- Lobbying
- EU
- UK
- Linked to revolving door
- Grassroots activities
- Electioneering
- Allows for effective use of methods
- Govt influence
- Easier in federal systems like USA and Germany due to multiple access points
- state level, 3 branches of federal govt
- MADD targets state govt
- ACLu offers amicus curate briefs in SC cases
- NRA-ILA targets pro-2nd Am Congressmen
- NRA publishes report cards of c-men
- NRA endorses pro-2nd Am candidates
- electioneering; donates to campaigns
- state level, 3 branches of federal govt
- More important in parliamnetarysystem as less access points
- Importance of Grant's insider v outsider
- BMA, CBI = insider,
- BMA represents highly respected profession with more expertise than ministers
- Forest (for smoking) = outsider
- Insider doesn't have to use direct action - unpopular with public sometimes
- Stop the War marches against Iraq War
- RMT tube strikes disruptive and unpopular
- But many publicly funded PGs like BMA unwilling to criticise govt in fear of losing their funding
- But even insider groups lack unlimited influence. BMA went on strike after govt refused to stop proposed changes to doctors pensions
- BMA, CBI = insider,
- Importance of Grant's insider v outsider
- Easier in federal systems like USA and Germany due to multiple access points
- Achievability of groups goals/ strength of opposition
- NARAL v National Right to Life
- NARAL has Roe v Wade
- NRA v Brady's List
- NRA has 2nd Am
- Forest (for smoking) v Ash
- Make Poverty History unachievable goals but mass support and effective publicity
- Click campaign with celebrity endorsement
- Whether groups aims conflict with govt aims
- Child Poverty Action Group (Uk) criticised govt for spending cuts but despite sympathetic aim, govt retorted with their commitment to spending cuts
- NARAL v National Right to Life
- Organisation
- NRA has hierarchial structure led by effective LaPierre
- Membership
- political clout
- legitimacy
- AARP boasts 40m members over 50
- EU
- COPA and COGECA have 50+ years experience and represent 30+million farmers across EU
- Money
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