Factors effecting energy security
- Created by: Amy Brown
- Created on: 30-05-14 14:36
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- Factors effecting energy security
- Risks
- Physical
- Exhaustion of reserves or disruption of supply lines
- Environmental
- Protests about environmental change caused by exploitation of energy resources
- Economic
- Sudden roses in costs of energy forcing increased imports of higher-priced energy
- Geopolitical
- Political instability in energy-producing regions
- Physical
- Energy security of a country can be measured using 'Energy Security Index'
- Availability- the amount of a country's domestic oil and gad supplies and its level of reliance on imported resources
- Diversity- the range of energy resources used
- Intensity- the degree to which the economy of a country is dependent on oil and gas
- The higher the index, the lower the risk - greater the energy security
- Risks
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