Funding Influencing Choice of Methods

  • Created by: Lauren
  • Created on: 21-03-13 11:03
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  • Factors influencing choice of method
    • Practical issues
      • requirements of funding bodies
      • Ease/Difficulty
        • Subject matter
      • Availability of participants
        • Ease/Difficulty
          • Subject matter
      • Time and money
      • Location
        • personal skills and characteristics
        • Research Oppitunities
      • Theoretical Issues
        • Validity
        • Reliability
        • Representiveness
        • Methodological Perspective
          • Positives  (scientific) (Macro)
            • social Facts
            • Objectives
            • Reliable
            • Quantitative Data
              • Primary
                • Surveys
                  • Questionaires
                  • Structured Interviews
              • Seconday
          • Interpretivists (micro)
            • Verstehen (understanding)
            • Understanding social class meaning
            • Validity
            • Qualitative Data
              • Primary
                • Observation
                • Interviews
              • Secondary
                • Diaries
            • Social Action Theorist
            • Interactionalists
      • Ethical Issues
        • Sensitive issues
        • Vunerable groups
        • Informend Concent
          • Rosenthal and Jacobson – high expectations in pupils increase achievement
        • Confidentiality
        • Covert research
      • Choice of Topic
        • Theoretical Perspectives
        • Society's values
        • Funding Bodies
        • Practical Factors
    • Vunerable groups
    • Confidentiality


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