Families and Households
- Created by: LoisClayton
- Created on: 26-02-20 12:56
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- Families and Housholds
- Couples
- Functionalism
- Parsons - Instrumental role = male - Expressive role = female
- March of progress
- Bott - there are segregated and joint conjugal roles
- Young + Wilmott - the symmetrical family
- Feminism
- Oakley - Y+W exaggerate men's role - family is not symmetrical
- Women suffer a dual burden
- Duncombe + Mardsen - women suffer a triple shift
- Gender role socialisation instills the idea that men are decision makers
- Domestic violence enables men to control women
- Dobash + Dobash - violence used when husbands felt their authority was challenged - marriage legitimates violence by giving power to men
- Nyman - different couples give money different meanings
- Smart - same-sex did not see control of money as equality or inequality
- Other
- Gershuny - couples are adapting to women working full time
- Arber + Ginn - better paid women can buy in products / services
- Ramos - when the women is the breadwinner, labour is split
- Dunne - hetero socialised into gender scripts - lesbians aren't
- Functionalism
- Childhood
- Childhood as a social construct
- Benedict - cross-cultural differences in childhood e.g. children have more responsibility
- Western societies are child-centric - Cunningham- kids seen as opposite to adults
- Historical differences
- Aries - in middle ages, childhood did not exist - modern childhood began in 13th Cent - 20th Cent was Cent of childhood
- Changes in the 19th and 20th Cent
- Lower IMR and smaller families
- Laws banning child labour
- Compulsory schooling
- Child protection + welfare laws
- Idea if children's rights e.g the Children Act 1989
- Future of childhood
- Postman - childhood is dissapearing as kids are becoming more like adults - print vs tv culture
- Opie - Western idea of childhood is not dissapearing but spreading
- Jenks - modern society created childhood to prepare people to become productive adulys, meaning the undeveloped child needs to be nurtued and protected
- Position of children improved
- M of P - Aries- society has become child-centred
- Palmer - Toxic childhood - rapid changes in society are damaging to kids' development e.g junkfood, intensive marketing
- Conflict view - inequalities among children - gender, ethnic + class
- Gittins - there is an age patriarchy as adults oppress children
- Childhood as a social construct
- Theories of the Family
- Functionalist
- Organic analogy
- Murdock - 4 functions - stable sex drive, reproduction, socialisatoon + economic needs
- Parsons - nuclear family- geographical and social mobility - family has 2 functions - socialisation and stabilisation of adult personalities
- New Right - biological division of labour + families should be self-reliant
- Marxist
- Engles + Zaretsky - passing on wealth, ideological functions + unit of consumption
- Feminist
- Liberal - more equality with changes to law
- Marxist - reproduce labour force, absorbing men's anger and a cheap reserve army
- Radical feminism - all men oppress all women - the family is to be abolished
- Difference - not all women share the same experieces
- Nordqvist + smart - Donor-concieved children have families that emphasise social bonds over genetic
- Functionalist
- Demography
- Birth rate
- Changes in the position of women
- Fall in IMR
- Child-centredness
- Deaths
- Life expectancy increases
- Improved nutrition
- Medical improvements
- Public health improvements
- Decline in dangerous manual jobs
- Life expectancy increases
- Ageing population
- Increased life expectancy
- Strain on public serivices
- Rise in 1 person pensioner households
- Rising dependency ratio
- Hirsch - policy implications
- Ageism - there in modern but not postmdern
- Globalisation + migration
- Differentiation - citizens, Denizens and helots
- Migration identities - hybrid and transnational
- Policies - assimilation and multiculturalist
- Children= economic liability
- Birth rate
- Changing Patterns and Family Diversity
- Divorce
- Legal changes - now easier and cheaper-
- Less stigma
- Wilson - secularisation
- Fletcher - higher expectations of marraige
- Women's financial independence - can now afford divorce
- Patriarchal oppression makes women want to leave marriage
- Beck + Giddens - couples pursuing self interests pull them apart
- Partnerships
- Marriage
- Changing attitudes
- Alternatives- cohabitation
- Women's economic independence
- Impact of feminism
- More remarriage, later marriages + fewer church weddings
- Marriage
- Perspectives on family diversity
- New Right - if it is not nuclear family, it is bad for society
- Chester - neo-conventional family - modern version of nuclear
- Rapoport + Rapoport - 5 types of diversity
- Beck + Giddems - the individualisation theseis
- Smart - the connectedness thesis
- Divorce
- Social Policy and the Family
- New Right
- Traditional nuclear is natural and based on biological divison of labour
- Family should be self-reliant
- Family diversity is bad
- Murray - benefits are perverse incentives creating an underclass
- Conservative govs (1979-97) Child support agency - no promoting homosexuality
- New Labour gov (1997-2010) prefered neo-conventional, wanted state intervention + civil partnership for sam-sex
- Feminism
- Land - policies assume patriarchy is the norm, leading to a SFP
- Policies are reinforcing patriarchy
- Drew -gender regimes - familistic = traditional - individualistic = equal
- New Right
- Family types
- Lone-parent - over 90% are female headed
- Willmott - dispersed extended family
- Beanpole family
- reconstituted / step-family
- Couples
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