Families and social policy
- Created by: WignallRose
- Created on: 24-05-17 13:20
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- Families and social policy
- Comparative view of family policy
- Actions and policies of government effect families
- China's one child policy, communist Romania, Nazi family
- Functionalism
- Society is built on harmony ans consensus, policies help
- Fletcher = health, education & housing polices led to support
- Criticised
- Assumes all benefit equally
- Assumes 'march of progress'
- Donzelot: policing the family
- Donzelot = policies are a form of state control
- Applies Foucault's surveillance
- Professionals use their knowledge to control
- Criticised = fails to identify who benefits
- Gender regimes
- Social policies reinforce the patriarchal family
- Drew = encourage or discourage equality
- Familistic and individualistic gender regimes
- The New Right
- Favour the conventional nuclear family
- State policies undermine the nuclear
- Almond = divorce easier, civil partnerships, tax laws
- Murray = welfare benefits encourage dependency culture
- New Right solutions
- Change policies = benefits & restrictions
- Deny housing for pregnant teens
- Policies that encourage the nuclear (tax)
- Less state interfere the best (self reliance)
- Evaluation
- Assume nuclear is natural
- Attempt to justify nuclear
- Wallace = cutting benefits will increase poverty
- New Right's incluence
- Conservative government (1979-97)
- Banned homosexuality, divorce easier, 'illegitimate' children
- New Labour (1997-2010)
- Parental responsibility, favoured neo-conventional, support homosexuality
- Conservative government (1979-97)
- Feminism
- State helps women maintain subordinate position
- Policy as self fulfilling prophecy (Land = cannot show how they help)
- Policies supporting nuclear
- Tax and benefit, childcare, care for the sick
- Evaluation = not all policies maintain patriarchy
- Comparative view of family policy
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