Home Economics - Family and Society
- Created by: jakewhite
- Created on: 11-05-17 21:30
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- Family and Society
- Standard of living
- + Financial resources + the number of people + the number of dependents + The profession or occupation of the individuals + health of individuals + the geographical location + the amount of debt + the cost of housing
- A Family is… A social unit connected by blood, marriage or adoption A Household is… One person living alone or multiple people who share the same address and living arrangements
- Structures
- Nuclear Family 2 generations Extended Family 3 generations Reconstituted Family Both parents have been previously married and had children Lone Parent Family Single male or female parent living with dependent children Gay/Lesbian Family Same-sex couple with children Single-Person Household I person living alone Multi-Person Household A group of people living in the same accommodation
- Functions
- Reproduction of children
- Socialise children
- housing
- Access to services
- Financial resources
- Care, security and protection
- Values, beliefs and attitudes
- Emotional needs for love
- Cultural identity
- Changes
- - Smaller family size - Increase in childless women - Changing nature of the extended family - Changes in the divorce rate - Changing roles within the family - Increase in older mothers - More step families - More cohabitation - Increased births outside marriage - increase in lone parent families - More non-dependent children living with their parents - civil partnerships - more 1 person households
- Standard of living
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