Father Returning Home - Dilip Chitre
- Created by: poppyggggg
- Created on: 23-05-16 17:56
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- Father Returning Home - Chitre
- We are immediately introduced with "my father" already suggests some disconnection.
- "unseeing eyes" = he is blind to the world and the only life, in the true meaning,that he has is internal
- "like a word dropped from a long sentence". The sentence is the train and he does not really make sense without the train. The routine of the train etc. has lead to his lack of connection
- dull and murky colours such as "brown and "grey" used to reflect his dull life
- "like a word dropped from a long sentence". The sentence is the train and he does not really make sense without the train. The routine of the train etc. has lead to his lack of connection
- "his shirt and pants are soggy" the real things in the world are weighing him down and holding him back
- "sticky chapals" add to the idea of real things in the world being hard to remove and lingering
- "stale chapati" and "weak tea" are simple foods that reflect his simple life
- reads a book as he eats = he wants to escape this dull life
- "stale chapati" and "weak tea" are simple foods that reflect his simple life
- "sticky chapals" add to the idea of real things in the world being hard to remove and lingering
- "bag stuffed with books" tells us that he wants to escape to the fantastical world of literary
- even the books are falling apart though
- "eyes fade homeward" tells us that he cannot properly see or access his own home
- his children "refuse" to share jokes, which means he has asked and they don't want to connect with him
- "late train" = long day
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