Fats and Oils
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?- Created by: Charlotte
- Created on: 26-04-13 19:59
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- Fats and Oils
- What are fats and oils?
- 'Lipids' is a general term for both fats and oils
- Both have similar chemical structures and functions
- Fats are high in calories
- Fat in the diet is important for health and wellbeing
- Excess fat in the diet us stored as body fat
- Our fat intake should be no more that 35% of our total energy intake
- Functions of fat in the diet
- Fat is a source of energy
- Forms part of the structure of cells
- Stored under the skin, fat helps insulate the body against cold
- Fat in the diet helps to promote a feeling SATIETY (feeling full after eating)
- Sources
- Fat come from both plant and animal sources
- Plants - advocado, peanuts, sesame seeds
- Animals - Meat, lard milk, tuna, butter
- Visible and invisible fats
- Some fats are visible such as: fat on the meat or solid fats such as butter
- Other fats form part of the food product and cannot be seen such as in ready meals, chocolate, burgers
- Chemistry of Fats
- Saturated fats
- Are solid at room temperature.
- Mainly found in animal foods
- Too much saturated fat in the diet has been linked to high blood cholesterol
- Leading to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity
- Monounsaturated fats
- Found in both animal and vegetable fats.
- Monounsaturated fatty acids are considered healthier because they help to lower blood cholesterol
- Polyunsaturated fats
- very soft or oily at room temperature
- Not go solid even in the refrigerator They are preferred in the diet
- Essential fatty acids
- cannot be made by the body
- Essential for regulating body processes, including blood clotting and control of inflammation.
- Two important ones are : Omega 3
- found in oily fish, seeds, walnut oil, green leafy vegetables. - helps to protect the heart
- Omega 6: found in vegetables, fruits grains, chicken, seeds - helps lower cholesterol in the blood
- Two important ones are : Omega 3
- Saturated fats
- What are fats and oils?
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