How important was fear of revolution in bringing about the Great Reform Act of 1832?
- Created by: emilybachee
- Created on: 09-05-14 11:41
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- importance of fear of revolution- Great Reform Act 1832
- impact of Revolution in France
- evidence that it was due to reform
- Grey talked of reform to preserve
- impact of Catholic Emancipation
- showed popular unrest could pressure gov into intro'ing reform
- Days of May 1832
- showed popular unrest could pressure gov into intro'ing reform
- fear heightened by violent response to fail of Bill passing
- Riots in Bristol and Derby
- points that suggest other factors were important
- industrialisation brought structural change to economy
- economic elites recognised need for reform
- fear of revolution was 'actually an obstacle'
- radical influence grew
- promoted reforms on its own terms, not as defence mechanism
- reform widely recognised as essential for getting rid of corruption and unfairness
- Death of George VI in 1830
- impact of Earl Grey
- commitment to reform
- industrialisation brought structural change to economy
- impact of Revolution in France
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