Features of Romantic Music
- Created by: Lepeterson
- Created on: 01-05-18 12:40
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- Features of Romantic music
- Harmony
- They use many dissonant chords:
- Diminished 7ths
- Half diminished 7ths
- Neopolitan sixths
- added 9ths and 7ths
- dominant 7ths
- inverted chords
- dominant 7ths
- added 9ths and 7ths
- Neopolitan sixths
- Half diminished 7ths
- Diminished 7ths
- Variety of cadences
- The piece can finish in a different key
- They use many dissonant chords:
- Melody
- Arpegiated chords
- Counter- melodies
- Triplets
- Acciaccaturas and appogiaturas
- broad range
- sequences
- Fragmentation
- repetition
- chromatic/scalic
- Texture
- polarized texture
- polyphonic
- 2 against 3
- monophonic
- homophonic
- Tonality
- They modulate to unrelated keys.
- They end the piece in a different key
- tempo, rhythm and metre
- Strict and different tempo and expression markings
- syncopation
- counter rhythms
- Sonority and timbre
- Orchestra increased in size due to more instruments being introduced.
- more idiomatic writing for the piano
- structure
- Ternary
- Brahms liked the structure of classical music. However, he used interesting chords such as inverted chords
- binary
- Key composers
- Chopin
- Uses lyrical melody lines in the piano
- He created Ballade in F major and Nocturne in E minor
- Brahms
- He was a composer for absolute music
- Absolute music: A form of music that doesn't contain a theme
- Programme music: It is a style of music that portrays a particular mood or story.
- Untitled
- Absolute music: A form of music that doesn't contain a theme
- Brahms likes balance and he often uses the abridged sonata form
- structure
- Ternary
- Brahms liked the structure of classical music. However, he used interesting chords such as inverted chords
- binary
- structure
- He created Intermezzo in A major and Ballade in G minor
- He was a composer for absolute music
- Frederic Grieg
- He is a nationalist composer from Norway
- Nationalism: These are people who are influenced by their own country and they often create marches or dances to celebrate their country.
- Grieg motif: Descend of a tone, then a descend of a semi-tone
- He created Norwegian March and Notturno
- He is a nationalist composer from Norway
- Chopin
- Harmony
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