- Created by: Moesha16
- Created on: 02-06-18 15:09
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- Feminism
- Liberal
- Equal rights + reformism (gradual change)
- Oakley distinguishes between sex * gender (cultural constructed differences)
- Sexist attitudes gender transmitted through socialisation
- Fail recognize underlying structures e.g. capitalism
- Challenge parsons division of labour
- Sexist attitudes gender transmitted through socialisation
- Change society's socialization patterns = gender equality
- Oakley distinguishes between sex * gender (cultural constructed differences)
- Equal rights + reformism (gradual change)
- Radical
- Patriarchy oppresses women (universal society)
- Firestone: bio capacity to bear infants = origins patriarchy
- Separatism: matriarchal households
- Political lesbianism: Hetreo relationships oppressive 'sleeping with enemy' but lesbianism non-oppressive
- Circular argument e.g. MV explained as P maintained through MV
- Separatism: matriarchal households
- Firestone: bio capacity to bear infants = origins patriarchy
- Personal relationships involve power therefore its political because men dominate women through them e.g. fear of ****
- Patriarchy constructs sexuality to satisfy men's desires e.g. Women in **** are passive sex objects
- Patriarchy oppresses women (universal society)
- Marxist
- Womens subordination performs functions for capitalism
- Ansley - takers of ****
- Doesn't explain capitalism in non-capitalist society
- Doesn't explain why men can't perform unpaid domestic labour
- Doesn't explain capitalism in non-capitalist society
- Cheap, explotable labour force (paid less)
- Reserve army of labour (expendable)
- Reproduce labour force (unpaid domestic labour)
- Barrett: Ideology of familiasm
- § familism presents the nuclear family and its sexual division of labour as natural and normal and helps to keep women subordinated
- Give more emphasis to women consciousness
- Overthrow capitalism + ideology = liberation
- § familism presents the nuclear family and its sexual division of labour as natural and normal and helps to keep women subordinated
- Overthrow capitalism + ideology = liberation
- Ansley - takers of ****
- Womens subordination performs functions for capitalism
- Difference
- Feminist theory claimed 'false universality' - only about exp. of white hetero mc women
- Blacks - fam source resistance against racism
- Essentialism - all women share same exp.
- Blacks - fam source resistance against racism
- Poststructuralist feminism
- Concerned with discourse + power/knowledge
- Discourse allows us define others e.g. childbirth empowers doctors
- Enlightenment Project legitimated domination by white mc males
- False claims represent universal womanhood
- No essence for what it means to be women bc identities made of diff. discourses
- All women faced with patriarchy
- Allows us to reveal how discourse subordinate women
- Legitimates diversity of struggles
- Highlighting differences can be negative
- Allows us to reveal how discourse subordinate women
- False claims represent universal womanhood
- Concerned with discourse + power/knowledge
- Feminist theory claimed 'false universality' - only about exp. of white hetero mc women
- Liberal
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