Film: Harry Potter - Genre (Teen)
- Created by: jordananna
- Created on: 05-06-14 14:48
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- Film: Harry Potter Genre (Teen)
- Themes
- Quest of self discovery
- Outcast becomes unexpected hero (Neville)
- Happy ending
- Quest to find love
- To learn and work together
- Iconography
- School unifrom
- School books
- Headmaster
- Teenagers
- Teachers
- Romance
- Typical Situations
- Conflict between friends
- Romance - Love triangle (Snape, and Harry's parents
- Power of friendships
- Comedy
- Secrets revealed
- Realization of self and others
- Stock characters
- Teenagers
- Teachers
- Headmaster (snape)
- Students
- Rival group of teens (Draco etc)
- Setting
- Hogwarts (school)
- Corridors
- Classrooms
- School train
- Style
- Flashback - Snapes childhood
- Teen romance
- Themes
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