Film: Harry Potter - Genre (War)
- Created by: jordananna
- Created on: 05-06-14 16:06
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- Film: Harry Potter - Genre (War)
- Themes
- Defeat evil (killing Voldemort)
- Quest to survive
- Bringing peace
- Iconography
- Destruction
- fire and explosions
- blood, death and screaming
- War wounds
- Final face off
- Sword of Griffydor
- Rubble and dust
- Army Soilders
- Typical Situations
- Sacrifice (Snape)
- Preparing for battle
- Villain becomes weaker
- Final battle
- Chase sequences
- Friends and family die
- Destruction of Hogwarts
- 'Only one can live while the others survive
- Murder and Death
- Stock Characters
- Villain - General of the army
- Deatheaters - Henchmen
- Student and Teachers - Army of Hogwarts
- Setting
- safe house
- Battlefield - Hogwars
- Room of requirement
- Woodlands / Forbidden forest
- Style
- Slow motion fight scene
- desaturated colour palette
- fash paced quick cut editing
- Shot reverse shot (army to army
- Themes
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