Film: Harry Potter - Narrative
- Created by: jordananna
- Created on: 06-06-14 13:08
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- Film: Harry Potter - Narrative
- Proppian Roles
- Hero
- Harry - Defeats Voldemort
- Neville? Destroyed the snake
- Villain
- Voldemort - Trying to kill Harry and destroy Hogwarts
- Helper
- Ron and Hermione - Dumbledore's army
- Weasley Family
- Aberforth Dumbledore
- Teachers and Students (Professor McGonagall) - Cast shield spell to keep Voldemort out
- Doner
- Snape (Tears-memories) - valuable information
- Aberforth - passageway to Hogwarts
- Ghost of Ravenclaw (Gray lady) - helps them find diadem (horcrux)
- Griphoook - Gets them into Bellatrix's vault
- Blocker
- Dementors -dangerous
- Draco and Golye/Brlaise - trying to stop Harry from finding the horcurx
- King
- Elderwand - controls people and powerful
- Fake Villain
- Snape - until the answers were revealed everyone thought he was a villain
- Henchmen
- Deatheaters
- Princess
- Hogwarts and Harry
- Hero
- Todorov
- Equilibrium
- Previous film/ Vodemort has the elder want however he is becoming weaker
- Distruopton
- The attack on Hogwarts, dementors surrounding the castle and threatening safety
- Recognition
- Harry needs to destroy what he thinks the last horcrux and recognizes that he needs to sacrific himself
- Resolution
- Snake is killed by Neville, Voldemort tries to kill Harry however voldemort is killed forever
- Re-equilibrium
- Harry destroys the elder wand and there is a flash forward to the future where everything is happy
- Equilibrium
- Levi-strauss
- Dark v Light
- Muggle v Wizard
- Loyalty v betrayal
- Past v present (flashbacks)
- Truth v lie
- Harry v Voldemort
- Booker plots
- Overcoming the monster - harry defeating voldemoret
- Rags to riches - Neville kils the snake and is no longer seen as a joke
- Quest - find all the horcruzs and destroy them
- Voyage and return - seeing dumbledore (death and coming back)
- Comedy - Neville trying to out run the bridge
- Tragedy - Snape dies realizing he was good al the time
- re-birth - Harry goes into forest and is 'killed' but battles against them at Hogwarts
- Barths Codes
- Enigma code
- Will Harry win the battle?
- Will Harry die?
- How will the film end?
- Will all the horcruxes be found/ destroyed in time?
- Will Harry / Ginny and Heminone/ Ron get together?
- What will Harry do with the elder wand?
- Cultural code
- Hogwarts
- Kings cross station
- Symbolic code
- Harry and Voldemorts wand colours Red/ green
- Actions code
- Battle/war
- Hogwarts on fire
- Enigma code
- Proppian Roles
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